

  • 📷🌇 Camera and Scenes


    Photography Photograph Photographia

    Closed Composition

    Filmic Cinematic

    Dramatic Glamor Shot

    Golden Hour Blue Hour

    Award Winning Photography Establishing Shot Nightography


    Portrait Full Body Portrait Portraiture

    Cinematic Haze


    Pose Gesture Profile

    High-Speed Photograph Time-Lapse Motion Capture

    Claymation Video Frame Capture

    Stop Motion Stop-Motion Animation Frame

    Color Grading Bokeh Film Grain

    Surveillance Surveillance Footage

    Security Footage CCTV

    Dashcam-Footage Satellite Imagery Paparazzi Photography

    Underwater Photography Wildlife Photography National Geographic Photo

    Editorial Photography Associated Press Photo Photojournalism

    Action Scene War Photography

  • 📷🌇 Camera and Film Types

    Camcorder Effect DSLR Night Vision

    Drone Photography GoPro Video Unregistered Hypercam 2

    Hyperspectral Imaging Multispectral Imaging Schlieren

    Disposable Camera Disposable Camera Photo


    Ektachrome Fujifilm Superia Instax

    Kodak Ektar Kodak Gold 200 Kodak Portra

    Nikon D750 Provia Velvia

    Lomo Pinhole Photography CinemaScope

    Tri-X 400 TX Ilford HP5 Photogram

    VistaVision Technirama

    Techniscope Super-35

    Panavision Super-Panavision-70

    Cinerama Kinopanorama Cinemiracle

    Daguerrotype Ambrotype Calotype

    Tintype Film-Negative

    Full Frame

  • 📷🎞 Film Sizes

    Shot on 8mm Shot on 9.5mm

    Shot on 16mm Shot on 17.5mm Shot on 28mm

    Shot on 35mm 35mm Expired 35mm Film

    Shot on 65mm Expired 65mm Film

    Shot on 70mm Shot on IMAX 70mm

  • 📷🥽 Lens Sizes

    15mm Lens 35mm Lens 85mm Lens

    100mm Lens 200mm Lens

  • 📷🔭 Lenses

    Macro Macro View Magnification

    100x Magnification 200x Magnification

    500x Magnification 1000x Magnification

    Microscopic Electron Microscope Super-Resolution Microscopy

    Telescope Telescopic Telescope Photography

    Telephoto Panorama 360 Panorama

    Wide Angle Ultra-Wide Angle 360 Angle

    Fisheye Lens Fisheye Lens Effect Lens Distortion

  • 📷🧫 Lens Filters

    Color-Gel Filter

    Photographic-Filter Diffusion-Filter

    Dichroic-Filter UV-Filter

    Polarization-Filter Polarizer

    Infrared-Filter Infrared-Cut-Off-Filter

    Neutral-Density-Filter ND-Filter

    Graduated-Neutral-Density-Filter GND-Filter

    Astronomical-Filter Cokin-Filter

  • 📷⚙ Camera Settings (Aperture, Exposure, Color and White Balance, etc.)

    Exposure Short Exposure Long Exposure

    Double-Exposure Shutter Speed 1/1000 Shutter Speed 1/2

    Aperture F/2.8 F/22

    Gamma White Balance

    Rule of Thirds

  • 📷👁 Focus and Depth of Field

    Depth Depth of Field DOF

    Horizon Line Vantage Point Vanishing Point

    Defocused Unfocused

    Focal Point Soft-Focus

    Shallow Focus Deep Focus

    Rack Focus Split Diopter Tilted Plane Focus

  • 📷🔎 Zoom, Pan, and Tilt

    Zoom Dolly Zoom

    Pan Tilt


  • 📷◻ Megapixel Resolutions

    Megapixel 2 Megapixels

    10 Megapixels 12 Megapixels 16 Megapixels

    20 Megapixels 22 Megapixels

  • 📷 Other

    Lens Flare Vignette Split Toning

    Rephotography Scanography Slit-Scan Photography